Cache Objects Management

Accounting caches exchange rates and tax rates to aid performance. These caches have limited storage space so the data is continuously overwritten. Over time, this can lead to the caches decreased performance. For this reason, the Cache Objects Management tab allows you to check the cache contents and if needed, delete and refresh the data.

Warning: Your system administrator must contact Certinia Customer Support before purging or deleting cached data.

Viewing Cached Content

  • To view the data currently cached for a currency, enter the Currency ID then click Get Currency Cache.
  • To view the data currently cached for a tax code, enter the Tax Code ID then click Get Tax Cache.

The data is retrieved and displayed in the Cached Content field. The data is read-only.

Purging Cached Content

Warning: Do not purge cached content unless advised to do so by Certinia Customer Support.
  • To purge the exchange rates cache, click Purge Exchange Cache.
  • To purge the tax rates cache, click Purge Tax Cache.

Rebuilding Cached Content

Warning: Do not rebuild cached content unless advised to do so by Certinia Customer Support. We recommend purging the caches before rebuilding to ensure the correct data is retrieved.
  • To rebuild the exchange rates cache, click Rebuild Exchange Cache. The exchange rate cache is repopulated with the latest 143 exchange rates.
  • To rebuild the tax rates cache, click Rebuild Tax Cache. The tax cache is repopulated with the latest 143 tax rates.